
Know Your Own Value!

"If you offer your best to the world, expect to get the very best back!" ~Oprah

Getting new clients can sometimes take a lot of effort...if you're into that kind of thing. Which thing, you might ask? The 'getting new clients' thing or the 'efforting' thing?~Article by Xina Sy

I recently learned a very tough & expensive lesson! As women, & as humans, we often get caught up in the "Human Doing" trap, versus, just "Being!" For myself, I know I am out of alignment when I am chasing, begging, running, pushing, & simply trying too hard to get what is ALREADY MINE! We have been given, by Divine Birthright & as Co-Creators, EVERYTHING we need! No one has our stuff! We don't have to chase money, beg for opportunities, or rely on ANYTHING outside of ourselves to have what we want! When we relax & allow, ALL things come to us in Divine timing! When we KNOW our value & that we are ENOUGH, we do not have to try so hard.

When you know that what you have to offer is good & has value, there is no need for a lot  of effort. When you know that you are putting your best foot forward, that your message is clear & concise, that you've branded well, that you are creating & presenting a strong, solid, & consistent image of who you are & what you have to offer, then its time to relax, enjoy, & allow. Living our life's work is about creating a flow & creating a flow is about creating with ease.

Now, I am not saying that there is nothing that you need to do! But, I am saying that you should be led in your doing. How are we led? We all have an internal guidance system; some call it intuition, some call it Spirit, some refer to it as their "gut!" Sometimes messages come through loud & clear, other times those messages are muddled by our fears, our doubts, & our experiences from the past. Sometimes we follow that guidance & we simply KNOW the right thing to do. Sometimes we ignore that small, quiet whisper & we end up with regrets & a feeling of failure. We look back on experiences & think, "Damn, I shoulda listened to my gut!"

But, we cannot live by shoulda, coulda, wouldas, when there is only the NOW! Right now we can make better choices! Right now we can begin to know & trust our gut better! Right now we can relax & allow & believe & trust & value ourselves enough so that we don't find ourselves running around beggin' for a breakthrough! When we know better...we must then do better!

So, how do we value our own worth & our own knowing enough to begin to allow our good to flow to us more easily?

  • First, you STOP & BE STILL! When I am frantic, my big brother, Larry says & I quote, "Sit down & shut the F&%# up!" It is colorful, but it gets my attention. WE have to be willing to get centered to be able to hear what our next move should be.
  • Surround yourself with good folks that love & value you already! Birds of a feather flock together! Your inner circle should be filled with people that understand who you are & what your are trying to accomplish.
  • Trust your gut! It knows what's best. When in doubt, call out for help! It will come.
  • Keep it moving. Even when you feel you made a left turn (if it ain't right, then its probably left), forgive yourself & gently get back on track!
  • Relax & Allow your good to flow to you! Stop trying to hard! "Your gifts will make room for you!" Trust & believe that!
If you need some help with your vision, please feel free to reach out to me at emergingnow@gmail.com. We know the value of a vision & we believe in your worthiness...

With Much Love & Respect!


Let Go of Fear & Begin Emerging Now! by Xina Sy

What has been keeping you stuck? What excuses have you been using to deny your own wonderfulness? Are you afraid of what may unfold if you were to really unleash your own power? Are you standing on the brink of your own success, unable to move forward because of fear?
      Sometimes there are external factors that hinder our progress...life happens! But, most times the most prevalent things holding us back are the least obvious, because those things reside deep inside of us. For years I was plagued by fear & anxiety. I awoke every morning with an awful feeling in my gut. Throughout my day, those closest to me would inquire as to what was wrong, & my answer was always the same, "Nothing & EVERYTHING!" I was anxious & worried about things that had already happened; I would rehearse outcomes over & over & over, wondering what I had done wrong in every situation or what could or should I have done differently. I would beat myself up for hours over so-called mistakes; obsessing about the shoulda, coulda, wouldas! I worried about things that had not yet happened (& which probably would never happen), always waiting for the "other shoe to drop!"
In my clients, I recognize the fear in its many forms of excuses, busyness, & lack in all its various forms: lack of money & resources, lack of time, lack of support, & lack of commitment. Sometimes fear puts on a very clever disguise & rears its ugly head as a cocky, arrogant cohort that shouts, "I don't need any help! I can do it all by myself! I got this!" While their vision continues to be back-burnered & they never make any real moves towards their goals!
     Letting go of fear does not have to be a scary feat in & of itself. It can be small steps in the directions of our dreams; one step at a time. Yes, there are times when we make a huge leap of faith, trusting that there will be a net to gently break our free fall. But, most times, we can advance slowly & surely towards our mark with the gentle guidance of a loving Spirit to guide & protect us along the way. And, with the support of our loved ones, our inner circle, & a solid professional network, we can make progress towards the things that we really want to have & the life we really want to create!
     Some steps that might help ease the fear as you step out & begin emerging now:

  • Breathe. Slow, deep breaths always help. It seems like a given, but when we are anxious about anything, we often hold our breaths, cutting off the very supply of what we need for expansion: air. So, right now, take in a slow, deep breath to the count of 4 and let it out to the same count. Repeat.
  • Connect. Reach out to someone that you trust & share your fears, your hopes, & your dreams. I know it sounds simple, but talking about it can not only help you to release it, but it can also allow for some objective feedback to put your fear in perspective. I offer a wonderful Visioning Session that can assist in the process. Click Here for More Info.
  • Act. Inspired action is the key. Sometimes its a small, intuitive step like sending an email or making a phone call that you have been putting off. Sometimes its a huge leap of faith like finishing the business plan, starting the book, taking a class, or creating the website! One step in the direction of your dreams can diminish & banish fear from your life & open up a whole new world of possibilities...
     Letting go of fear is by no means simple, but it is necessary for the advancement of your vision. More importantly though, is finding a way to relinquish all of the excuses that are showing up as a result of your fear, because that is what is truly holding you down & keeping you from Emerging Now!~